Parents Lounge

Parent's Lounge

Break tha Cycle's Advocacy Service

Parent Lounge is an advocacy service that we provide to parents who have difficulty in navigating certain processes. Our aim is to support, advocate and equip parents with the tools they need to feel confident in taking charge of their own lives and to feel confident in supporting their children.

Our Advocacy Service

Our advocacy service can help you to:

  • Understand information from professionals
  • Help you make informed decisions which are best for you and your family
  • Source a solicitor if you are unable to do so yourself

It seeks to ensure that parents are able to:

  • Have their voice heard on issues that are important to them
  • Protect and promote their rights
  • Have their views and wishes genuinely considered when decisions are being made about them and their children's lives

A process of supporting and enabling parents to:

  • Express their views, thoughts and concerns
  • Access information, advice and guidance
  • Explore choices and options for services and care
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Support we Provide

  • Filling out Disability Living Allowance (DLA), Personal Independence Payment (PIP) Blue Badge forms/applications. 

  • Sending emails/making calls on your behalf.

  • School related issues , e.g. Exclusions, arranging/attending meetings, SEND support). 

  • Some housing issues (we would need to know the full context of your situation before we can take the case) 

  • A safe , non judgemental space

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The Process

  • Parents can Self refer through our accessible website or they can contact their Early help and or social worker (or any statutory or charitable worker who you are involved with) to make a referral to us. 

  • Once we receive the referral, an initial assessment will be made regarding the appropriate action to take and or support to provide. We will then call you to offer you an appointment date and time.

  • When you arrive at your appointment, we will discuss and conduct a full needs assessment, then devise an action plan which is part of the assessment process so that we can track your progress. If we are unable to support you, we will signpost you to the relevant services.

  • We are only able to deal with one matter at a time which could take several sessions due to our limited resources.

*Advocates are NOT counsellors, support workers or befrienders and will not give any legal advice or support.* 

Contact Us

Our service is FREE and confidential to all parent and careers. This service is currently unfunded and therefore have limited availability. Parent longue functions on an appointment basis only and we deliver this service every Tuesday (Term -time) 1-3pm at Walthamstow Family hub

Please arrive on time for your appointment. You only have 1 hour per appointment. If you are more than 10 mins late your appointment will be cancelled. As this is a very limited service we have to adhere to timescales.

What our parents say...

John Doe's Image
"I was referred to Break Tha Cycle's Parent Lounge advocacy service and they have been so supportive. They listened and understood my needs and supported me to make some healthy choices and decisions"

John Doe's Image
"I was referred by my early help worker as my case was closing from their part. I felt like I was going to be left alone, with no support or help from anyone. I was very pleased when Break Tha Cycle accepted my referral. I feel so much more confident when advocating for my son in school who is 5 years old and has Autism."

John Doe's Image
"English is not my first language and I struggled to help my daughter at school when she is in trouble because I don't understand sometimes what the teachers are saying to me when they say they want to suspend my daughter from school. Break Tha Cycle has helped me to build confidence to speak to the school. They have given so ,much advice to help me."

John Doe's Image
"I am not afraid to say that I have been struggling with my children. They are showing signs of ADHD. Break Tha Cycled helped me to get disability living allowance for the children they filled the form and we were awarded DLA"

John Doe's Image
"We came to get advice on what support we are entitled to. Break Tha Cycle applied for a Blue Badge for my son as he is on the spectrum and we were successful. My son now has a blue badge and this has helped to give my son a better quality of life."

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