Break Tha Cycle hold a set of core values and these are the foundations of the work that we do:
-Empower the community.
-Listen, respond and be caring.
-Treat everyone fairly and equitably.
-Put children and young people at the heart of everything we do.
-Be transparent, honest , innovative and imaginative in creating new opportunities for the communities we serve.
Our ability to identify a community need and be responsive to that need. Not overly concerning ourselves with politics, that organisations can sometimes have, but rather ensuring that we meet the needs of our service users.
Break Tha Cycle have a passion for working with the community and believe in QUALITY over QUANTITY. What that means to us is, working with small numbers to obtain long lasting results which make a positive impact on the individual and the community, rather than working with large numbers and run the risk of getting little or no results.
Building Connections
Spending time together
Making Friends
Having fun
Learning new skills
Being together
Gaming with friends
© Copyright for Break tha Cycle